About EELT

EELT is a theatre collective consisting of music, theatre, film, art and education professionals. EELT is your provider of creative energy. EELT creates poetic productions about the things in life that ‘create calluses (eelt) on one’s soul’, or that make the callus disappear. EELT productions deal with the moments in life where different ideas or feelings rub up against each other and meet. This creates new understanding and beauty.

Our vision

EELT is idealistic. EELT sees change within our world like increase in diversity, technological development, global shifts in balance, as a chance. EELT sees beauty where others see emptiness or ugliness.  EELT believes in an inclusive society in which everyone deserves to get a moment in the spotlights.

Our mission

It is EELT’s mission to create and develop fresh ideas, understanding and insights, by working with as diverse a group of people as possible, using accessible but professional creative processes. EELT strives to create a better and more positive world through the creation of different projects, big and small. EELT is your provider of creative energy.


EELT makes theatre on heritage locations, in the neighbourhood, in companies and schools, at festivals and symposia both in The Netherlands and abroad. EELT consciously chooses not to have a ‘home base’.  We are a nomadic company, and therefore always the visitor.


EELT is the personal creation of the artistic leader Monique Zijp. It has been part of the Industriestrand Foundation since July 2010, which was especially created for this purpose.

In January 2018 EELT received a four year grant for amateur art from the Province of Noord-Brabant, providing further recognition that Eelt is a part of the cultural foundation of Brabant.

We offer discount to schools with a CJP Cultuurkaart.

“Poëtische producties over die dingen in het leven waarvan we 'eelt op onze ziel' krijgen of juist kwijtraken.”